Executive Board, Councils and Committees


The Board of Directors is made up of 3 (three) to 7 (seven) members, elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders, with a term of office of 2 (two) years, and may be reelected. The main responsibilities of this Body are: to establish the general orientation of the company’s business, oversee the management of the directors, examine at any time the books and papers of the company, elect the Board with a term of office of 1 (one) year, which may be re-elected, among other attributions. Between 7 and 10 meetings of this Board are held a year, as needed.

The current members of the Board of Directors are:

Name Office
Julio Ricardo Andrighetto Mottin Chairman
Roberto Luiz Weber Member
Denis Pizzato Member
Cristiano Gioia Lauretti Member
Claudio Roberto Ely Independent Member
Clarice Martins Costa Independent Member



Board of Directors are:

Statutory Officers
Name Office
Julio Ricardo Mottin Neto CEO
Roberto Coimbra Santos COO
Antônio Carlos Tocchetto Napp CFO and IRO


Nome Office
Alexandre Arnold Technology and Innovation
Anderson Salvadori Pereira Retail Operation
Eduardo De La Selva Expansion and Supply Chain
Edson Reus Logistics
Lívia Moraes People and Culture
Márcia Wagner Commercial